Non-curricular ensemble classes

Non-curricular ensemble classes

Chamber music

The chamber music course involves practical group work in duo, trio or other chamber music formation. This class is compulsory as part of the diploma requirements. It can be chosen as the main discipline for both the Master’s degree and the Artist Diploma (for established groups).

It can also be taken outside the curriculum by groups of sufficiently advanced instrumentalists. In this case, students are not subject to program or examination requirements, and cannot claim a diploma.

Vocal ensembles

This class is one of the complementary disciplines to vocal studies. It is an extension of the deciphering and singing course. It can be taken as an independent discipline outside the curriculum by students who are not enrolled in a singing class at the Ecole Normale de Musique, provided they have a sufficient level of singing and sight-reading, and subject to availability.


This class is open free of charge to students enrolled in the Artist Diploma or Mastère program at the École Normale de Musique. For students enrolled in the same year in the singing class at the École Normale, the stage class may last 3 academic years, subject to the agreement of the teacher and the Director.

Entrance to the stage class is subject to selection on the basis of a portfolio and audition, announced by posting.

Students not enrolled in the school’s singing class may also be admitted to the stage class (as an independent, extra-curricular, paying discipline), subject to audition and availability.

Student already?

For further information on fees and payment, please visit the school intranet.RE-REGISTER

New student rates

Chamber music*
2024/25 : 2 220 €
Vocal ensembles*
2024/25 : 1 760 €
2024/25 : 3 720 €

*Annual registration fee: €260